If you work in the digital library sector you have probably used, or are at least aware of, the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF). It is a set of standards and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that enable the delivery and interoperability of high-quality images and other media resources over the web. IIIF provides a framework for institutions and organizations to share and collaborate on digital collections of images, manuscripts, maps, and other visual resources in a standardized and interoperable manner.
The IIIF community has grown rapidly, with many institutions and organizations adopting the framework to enhance the accessibility, sharing, and scholarly use of digital cultural heritage materials.
Armadillo Systems are excited to announce that our Turning the Pages Gallery and Online software now supports the IIIF Image and IIIF Presentation APIs. The Image API allows users to request specific regions, sizes, and formats of images, enabling zooming, panning, and rotation without the need for downloading the entire image. The Presentation API enables the description and delivery of complex objects or collections, providing structural and descriptive metadata about the resources.
Head over to our Turning the Pages website to find out more about utilising IIIF with TTP.