The Royal Society Charter Book launched as online Turning the Pages

Timed to coincide with their Admission Day 2019, where their newly-elected Fellows will be admitted, the Royal Society have launched a Turning the Pages version of the very special book that sits at the heart of the ceremony. The Charter Book is arguably the Society’s most important historical document, initially created in 1663 after King Charles II granted a second Royal Charter to the organisation, establishing the structure of the Society. Bound in crimson leather with gilt clasps and corners the magnificent vellum folio has recorded the signatures of new Fellows and Foreign Members as they were elected year by year, as well as those of Royal Patrons, with the first signature recorded on its pages on 9 January 1665.

The online Turning the Pages edition facilitates a unique opportunity to browse through what must be the world’s most amazing collection of scientific autographs, giving a faithful reproduction of each one of the pages signed between 1665 and 2018. This particular Turning the Pages features an index of the signatories which has been added to facilitate navigation, allowing you to quickly locate which page your favourite scientist has signed their name.

Find out more about the Royal Society’s Charter Book here, and follow this link to view the online Charter Book Turning the Pages.

The Royal Society - Charter Book
The Royal Society – Charter Book